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Easter Bunny Bread with Dip in Tummy

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bunny bread and dip


Fourteen years ago, I saw the cutest recipe in a Quick Cooking magazine, and have made countless “Easter Bunny Breads” over the years ever since!

It seems like the original recipe gave me a little trouble, so I’ve decided to go ahead and share my version!

The main trouble were the almonds to be inserted prior to baking. They move all over the place while the bread is baking, and the poor guy comes out of the oven looking deranged and badly in need of braces! 😀

So, I simply slice a white jelly bean in half, and after the bread has baked and cooled, I stick on his pearly white teeth using the sticky side to hold them in place. This works like a charm, and definitely looks like he’s had a few trips to the dentist! 😉

The other problem is his little cheeks. They also travel all over his face when the bread rises in the oven, so you might want to use a couple of toothpicks to hold them in place.

I like to line his tummy with a little kale, too, so that the bread doesn’t get overly soggy from the dip. This is a helpful trick, especially if he has to travel to someone else’s house! You can always bring the dip separately if you wish, or “line” his tummy with a pretty bowl for the dip, too. Only about a third of the dip fits at once, but you’ll have plenty to re-fill if making a batch of Knorr’s Classic Spinach Dip. That seems to always be the dip of everyone’s choice.

You can always make your own favorite dip, too, or one of the popular indulgences such as southwestern-style corn dips, assorted “Crack” dips, dill dip, or classic French Onion Dip. Or try my simple Creamy Honey Mustard Dip  or delicious Pimiento Cheese Dip! Whatever you and your guests enjoy! 🙂

I think it looks nicer to line the plate underneath everything with purple-edged kale, too. It just gives it something nice for everything to rest on. (And you can use it afterwards in soups and casseroles!) So, don’t toss it!

As for the veggies, the crazy favorite is……..


wait for it……..


……..raw turnip sticks!



They are always the first to go!! Mildy sweet and lightly crunchy!! SO good!! I also like to add the usual suspects such as broccoli, baby carrots, cauliflower, cucumber slices or sticks, bell pepper sticks, fresh mushrooms, sugar snap pea pods, jicama sticks, and cherry or grape tomatoes! Add a little extra fun and toss on a few assorted olives, pickles and jarred peperoncini, red cherry or peppadew peppers!

Along with the torn bread from his tummy for dipping, you can also add assorted crackers and cubes of cheese! Mini pretzel twists are also an option.

If your guests are just plain tired of “veggie trays”, no matter how cute they are, you can always go in a completely different direction! 😉

You can fill his tummy with my Chicken Salad, Tuna Salad or even Ham Salad! Then, simply surround the bunny with crackers, cocktail breads, toasted baguettes, and the extra bread cubes. Add assorted cheeses, slices of summer sausage, tiny rolls of cold cuts such as lean turkey and roast beef, and just let people have fun creating whatever they want. Like a mini sandwich garden! 😀 Also add a bit of color with red grapes, orange slice halves, and anything else you see at the store that looks fun! So, that way is also a big hit!

And don’t forget, the bunny is edible, too! You can have a blast tearing off pieces once the goodies are gone, and dip them. Or, you can make mini sandwiches out them.

You can also use any extra uneaten bread for bread pudding, or make croutons for salads and soups later! 😀


*If you do celebrate Easter, here’s a nice collection of suitable recipes
that I put together last year that you might find helpful!

Click on the collage for the recipes!

easter pic collage


I do hope that you make this adorable Bunny Bread appetizer at least once in your lifetime, though! Everyone hops up and down over it, and it really isn’t hard to make. Just remember to thaw the bread overnight two days before. That way, you can make the bunny part the day before! Then just assemble him on the day your guests arrive, just a little while beforehand. This is a great little project for the kiddos, too! (And then they’re more apt to eat the veggies! 😉 )

However you decide to present this, everyone will love it!
It’s just too cute, and fun, not to make! 🙂 Enjoy!! :



(*Original recipe from Rhodes Bread and also Quick Cooking magazine/2002).

Easter Bunny Bread with Dip Filled Tummy

Easter Bunny Bread with Dip Filled Tummy


  • 2 loaves frozen bread dough, thawed overnight (1 lb. each)
  • 2 raisins
  • 1 white jelly bean cut in half or 2 sliced almonds
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • kale leaves, optional
  • spinach or ranch dip (I always make Knorr's Spinach Dip recipe)
  • assorted fresh vegetables, cheeses and crackers


  • Cut a fourth off of one loaf of dough; shape into a pear to form head.
  • For body, flatten remaining portion into a 7x6" oval; place on a greased baking sheet.
  • Place head above body.
  • Make narrow cuts, about 3/4" deep, on each side of head for whiskers.
  • Cut second loaf into 4 equal portions.
  • For ears, shape 2 portions into 16" ropes; fold in half.
  • Arrange ears with open ends touching head.
  • Cut a third portion of dough in half; shape into a 3 1/2" oval for back paws.
  • Cut two 1" slits on top edge for toes.
  • Position on each side of body at bottom.
  • Divide fourth portion of dough into 3 pieces.
  • Shape two pieces into 2 1/2" balls for front paws; shape the remaining piece into two 1" balls for cheeks and one 1/2" ball for nose.
  • Place paws on each side of body at top of body.
  • Place cheeks and nose on face. Add raisins for eyes and almond for teeth. *You can secure cheeks and nose with pieces of toothpick to hold in place. You can also use a halved white jelly bean instead of the almonds if desired. *Do not use the jelly bean though until just before serving, or it will melt a little and get grainy. (So place the teeth on just before serving.).
  • Brush dough with egg.
  • Cover and let rise for about 30-35 minutes or til doubled.
  • Bake at 350º for 25-30 minutes til golden brown.
  • Remove to a wire rack to cool.
  • Place bread on a lettuce-lined 16x13" tray.
  • Cut a 5x4" oval in center of body.
  • Hollow out bread leaving a shell.
  • Cut bread into cubes for dipping.
  • Line hole in belly with kale leaves if you'd like, then fill with dip. (Store extra dip in airtight container to re-fill bunny's tummy as needed).
  • Surround entire bunny with bread cubes, fresh veggies, cubes of cheese, and crackers for dipping.
  • Notes

    Knorr's Classic Spinach Dip recipe:
    1 box (10 oz.) frozen chopped spinach, cooked, cooled and squeezed dry
    1 container (16 oz.) sour cream*
    1 cup Hellmann's® or Best Foods® Real Mayonnaise
    1 package Knorr® Vegetable recipe mix
    1 can (8 oz.) water chestnuts, drained and chopped (optional)
    3 green onions, chopped (optional)
    Combine all ingredients and chill about 2 hours. Serve with your favorite dippers to your favorite people.
    *TIP: To lighten up dip, substitute 1 container (16 oz.) nonfat plain Greek yogurt.
    Makes 4 cups / Preparation Time10 min / Chill Time 2 hr

    **My tip: If subbing, make sure you use a THICK-style Greek yogurt, though, such as FAGE brand, so it won't be runny.


    Dishin with Didi

    Sunday 27th of March 2016

    Kelly this is just too darned cute!! I pinned it and will try making it for my Easter on May 1st ♥


    Monday 28th of March 2016

    Ooooh, thanks, Didi!!!! :D Please take pics so I can see him! :D

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