If there’s one thing that tugs at my heartstrings more than anything else, it’s Sue Bee Spun Honey!! Ever since I was a little girl, me, my sisters, and all of my cousins used to LOVE to visit Grandma and Grandpa’s house down in Champaign, Illinois! One of the special treats that she always made us for breakfast, as well as an afternoon snack, was toast with butter and Spun Honey! Grandmas are special like that! 😉
I sure do miss her and Grandpa. They’ll always be in my heart!
Ever since we moved from the midwest, I haven’t been able to find this creamy nectar of the gods in any of the stores. I guess it’s just something that isn’t carried out here on the east coast? People sure are missing out! So the wonderful folks at Sue Bee sent me the nicest package! And one of the items that brought tears to my eyes, was of course, the spun honey! I opened it immediately and had a little bit of it right off of a spoon! It’s just that good! And even better than I had remembered! That very day I made a dessert from it that about made our KNEES weak!!!
I started right in almost immediately! Though this isn’t the dessert recipe that I have plans for, as it was a spur of the moment, must make now!, kind of thing, it was definitely a surprise winner in our books!! My hubby said it was so good that it’s now on the top of his list of favorites!
After having just one slice, he said, “You only want a little spoon of this, right?” 😉 😀
Needless to say, I’m watching it like a hawk!!
Hopefully I’ll be able to make a fancier dessert from it soon 😉 , but, I’ll tell you what. I doubt anything else I make will top this. Sometimes simple truly is best. 😉
If you’ve never had spun honey, don’t wait another minute. It’s not the same as regular honey, quite different, to me anyways. It’s VERY creamy, almost like a soft honey caramel, but without a caramel flavor. Very hard to explain, so you’ll just have to try some for yourself! 😉 😀
I had a little bit of fruit in the freezer, (some Mount St. Helens Huckleberries, and some wild blackberries from the same region), as well as 3 fresh Georgia Peaches. This sounded like a solid plan to something delicious! 😉
While digging for the frozen berries, I also found a frozen pie crust sheet! Bingo!! I didn’t really have enough fruits to make a full pie, not even close, so I decided to make a galette instead! 😀 This would make for a perfect summertime treat!
I have never made a galette using spun honey in place of sugar, so I crossed my fingers that it would work and not burn! I was a little worried, but went ahead with my plan anyways! I was having an awfully bad day, and something had to turn it around!
I wanted it juicy, but not runny, so I added a bit of flour, along with some vanilla and almond extracts, drizzled the whole top with Sue Bee Spun Honey, dotted the top with butter and sprinkled with some finely ground almonds!
After folding up the pastry and brushing with beaten egg, I gave it a nice sprinkling of sugar, popped it into the oven, and hoped for the best!!
I barely left the oven door and watched it carefully to make sure that the honey was going to work ok. If it hadn’t, I don’t even know what I would’ve done anyways. I had no backup plan! 😀 But luckily it baked up beautifully!!! I don’t know why I was so worried!
It wasn’t long before the aroma of sweet fruits and honey baking, wafted through the whole entire house, and my hubby wandered into the kitchen with the biggest smile on his face when he peeked through the glass window on the oven door and spied what was baking! I now know what he looked like at age 7 on Christmas morning! 😉
This turned out to be the best galette I’ve EVER, ever made, or even had for that matter! My hubby said over and over how good it was and how wonderfully the Sue Bee Spun Honey, peaches, huckleberries and wild blackberries all went together. And, for once, I humbly agreed!! We even had a little bit of ice cream to go on the side. It was even just juicy enough to tilt the pan and drizzle the sweetened sauce over the ice cream! My troubles melted away. This was a really, really good day.
So this is in memory of, and a tribute to, my Grandma Dale (August 31, 1909 – July 8, 1996), and all of the wonderful memories of all of us grandkids gathered around your kitchen table, enjoying our favorite treat. You will forever be in our hearts!
Thank you so very much for the kindness and generosity shown to us by the folks at Sue Bee Honey for making my day so much brighter!! 😀 The smallest things can make the biggest difference. 😉
Note: The links to the Sue Bee Spun Honey show the price of a case of 12/1 lb. tubs, and not for just one tub.
(*These are my own personal opinions of this product.)
Cottage Farmhouse Clover Honey & Almond Galette with Mountainside Huckleberries, Georgia Peaches & Wild Blackberries
Tuesday 29th of July 2014
Wow Kelly, this looks gorgeous! I almost wouldn't want to eat it ... eh, who am I kidding, I could probably eat that whole thing - yum! :)
Wednesday 30th of July 2014
Thanks, Dana! I managed to get one wedge of it, and the hubs INHALED the rest of it! Best compliment there is! ;) :D