I almost didn’t post this “recipe”…but every time I inhaled one of these childhood favorites…I whispered to myself, “Just in case someone out there still doesn’t know about this trick yet, I SO have to share this.” So. This silly-easy, 3 Ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge recipe, is a little gift from me to you, so that when you, too, need a quick, (and I mean QUICK!), dessert, you’ve got it covered.
And believe me. It’s GOOD. So don’t freak out when you see the ingredients.
I was actually surprised that it was even on the internet, since it’s an old “I forgot to tell my mom about the bake sale tomorrow” recipe from the ’70’s, (don’t ask..), and that not only has this trick been passed down to the newer generations, but that it’s mostly called “2 ingredient” fudge now.
What happened to the vanilla?…as that was a MUST in any kind of baking or dessert-making back then. (And I still follow that rule!) I mean, if it didn’t have vanilla in it, it just wasn’t a “homemade dessert”. Let’s just suffice to say, that vanilla went into – almost – EVERYthing!
So there’s your mysterious “third ingredient” missing from most of today’s versions on the internet. I suppose they shortened it for shock value. And “just how easy CAN I make this” kind of thinking. But please don’t skip the vanilla!
It’s still so simple-easy today, though, as it was back then! Even easier actually, because the first time that I made this, we didn’t have microwaves yet!
And never mind that it’s easy and quick – – taking just MINUTES to make – – it’s also rich, decadent and delicious, and tastes like fudge to boot!
You simply place the peanut butter and chocolate frosting into a bowl, microwave it, stir it well to blend it together, then add the vanilla and stir that in well until creamy again.
Then, microwave a second time to make it all melty and pourable again…and you’re basically DONE. Just stir one last time, pour into a dish, and ta-dah!
In an instant.
It just doesn’t get any easier than this!
Once you do have it all melted and creamy, I like to pour it into a foil-lined and sprayed (or buttered like we used to do!), 8 x 8 baking pan. Then smooth and level the top with an offset knife, and lastly, pop it into the fridge to harden!
(I like to let mine sit in the fridge, uncovered, overnight.)
By doing this in a foil-lined pan, you can just lift the whole thing out later after it chills and hardens, peel back the foil, and cut it easily!
And that’s it. Well…almost! 😉
If you really want to add an extra layer of flavor, which I highly recommend, there’s one last ingredient that’s more in time with today that you can finish it off with. And that’s kosher or sea salt, or salt flakes! (Very festive!)
I LOVE sweet and salty together! And I always add a little sprinkle or two of salt on top of my cookies before I bake them, and also enjoy sprinkling some on top of the candies that I make, too!
And for this, so that it doesn’t end up melting into the fudge, I just sprinkle a little kosher salt on top of each piece just before serving them. That seems to work best.
You’ll want to keep this in the fridge when not serving though, as it will get a little soft after sitting out for a few hours. *This may also depend on what brand of peanut butter you choose to use, though.
I have always loved Peter Pan peanut butter, and so does my husband. So that’s what I have again used here.
To us it has the right amount of salty to sweet, is beautifully creamy and not dry creating a choking hazard, and melts and blends really well with the frosting. If you choose the one with the slogan that suggests that you “aren’t a good mom unless you buy our brand” claiming that you’re a “choosy mom” if you buy our product,…well, that’s ok, too.
(I don’t fall for company slogans, though. We did our VERY OWN, blind taste-test years ago, and chose what WE personally liked. Not what a company tells us to like and tries to convince us that we’re bad people if we don’t buy their product. We personally don’t care for that brand. Nor that type of advertising.)
So you do the same, and just use whatever brand makes YOU happy!
*I don’t know if organic brands work as well with this recipe, though. For ultimate results, you need a creamy-style peanut butter, so that it doesn’t end up dry and crumbly, and not resemble creamy-rich fudge at all. Just something to consider.
So when you need to come up with a treat, and FAST, or need something extra for so many upcoming get-togethers, bake sales, Valentine’s Day parties and gifts, or a nice addition for your Super Bowl crowd, save this one!
Keep the whole block refrigerated, then cut into small pieces, place them into mini cupcake papers or candy papers, and you are good to go!
They’re rich enough that you can cut them into small pieces to go a long ways for a crowd, too! So be sure to save this handy recipe to one of your Pinterest boards and enjoy!
Take care and stay warm!!
3 Ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge
Judy Bodnar
Thursday 5th of December 2019
I make this fudge but add 1/4 C sifted powdered sugar and cocktail peanuts...everybody just loves it. I add the powdered sugar because you don't have to keep it in the refrigerator between bites...it has a more stable consistency....I decided to add the peanuts because I thought it would be good....I was right, and the fudge was a big hit. Peanut lovers truly love this fudge !
Thursday 5th of December 2019
Sounds fantastic, Judy! I'll try it your way next time! Thanks for the tip! :D