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Cast Iron Skillet Herbed Maple Syrup & Mustard Pork Chops

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maple mustard chops


Mmmm, the smell of fall leaves, a crackling fire in the fireplace, and pork…frying in a cast iron skillet…in buttery maple syrup!! Did that last part make your mouth water? 😀 Believe me, it will when you make these beauties! My hubby migrated to the kitchen like a magnet when he started smelling what I was cooking, peeked over my shoulder to see what was smelling so good and said, “Oh, my god!!!“, then quickly skidaddled , smiling like a kid at Christmas, and got out of my kitchen before he got in any trouble! 😉

When I’m cooking, I want the whole kitchen to myself and don’t like to be interrupted. I’m not as young as I used to be. And interruptions make me lose what’s left of my concentration! 😉

But these chops are so easy it’s silly, and you’ll have no trouble whatsoever!

And, if you don’t have a cast iron skillet, it’s way past time that you got one! 😉 Add it to your Christmas wish list! What are you waiting for? But seriously, you can also do this in a regular frying pan, too, so no worries. 😉 But I do highly recommend that own at least ONE cast iron pan. Once you get used to them, and see how pathetically easy they actually are to clean and take care of, you’ll want to start a whole collection. Not kidding!! I’d about kill for a few more!

Anyways, back to these taste-so-good-they-should-be-illegal chops!

They start with a simple blend of herbs and spices that you probably already have hanging out in the cupboard!

Just mix them all up in a small bowl, and sprinkle two pork loin chops evenly on both sides with the mixture……


loin chops seasoned


….then start heating your pan with a little bit of butter!


cast iron skillet w butter


When your pan is hot and your butter is melting and dancing across the pan, add your chops!


chops in skillet


Leave them be over nice heat to sear them while cooking to achieve that gorgeous, deep golden brown color that gives them sooooo much wonderful flavor! 😀



maple chops browned


Seriously!!! Just look at that beautiful caramelized color that equals FLAVOR! 😀

Then turn them, and give the other side the same amount of love!!

*This only takes about 4 minutes on each side over heat that’s  between medium-high and medium, too, so dinner is quick to the table with these!!


maple chops board 1


These chops get finished with a small glug of maple syrup and a little mustard that glazes them to absolute pork chop NIRVANA!

Uhm, yea.


HELLZ Yea! 😀


maple chops board 3


These are pretty enough and flavorful enough that you can serve these to company even!!


maple mustard chops


Your whole entire HOUSE is going to smell heavenly! They cook fast. Use simple pantry ingredients. And could not possibly be easier to make!

The flavors of fall are in every delicious, juicy, sweet and herby bite, and you won’t want to put your knife and fork down until the last bite mops up every last drop of sauce, is being savored…slowly eaten, to make that last bite, “the perfect bite”, the best bite of all!

Hope you all enjoy! 


Cast Iron Skillet Herbed Maple Syrup & Mustard Pork Chops
Yield: 2 servings

Cast Iron Skillet Herbed Maple Syrup & Mustard Pork Chops


  • 1 tsp. dried thyme leaves, crushed
  • 1 tsp. dried marjoram, crushed
  • 1/4 tsp. herbs de provence
  • 1⁄4 tsp. regular table salt
  • 1⁄4 tsp. onion powder
  • 1⁄4 tsp. garlic powder
  • 2 thick-cut (1/2" thick) slices pork tenderloin, (*the pkg. said it was 1 lb.)
  • 2 Tbl. butter
  • 2 Tbl. maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp. spicy brown mustad


  • In small bowl, combine the first 6 ingredients mixing well.
  • Season pork slices with mixture evenly on all sides.
  • In large cast iron skillet, (or frying pan), melt butter over medium heat. Add seasoned pork chops to skillet, cook 4-5 minutes or until browned, turn and cook other side for another 4 minutes (*lower heat if needed) until about done and no longer pink. When browned, move chops to the side of the pan on their edges standing up on fatty side to sear fat, add syrup and mustard to center of pan and stir to mix. Place chops into mustard-syrup mixture and turn several times to coat well. Then turn heat off, and spoon glaze and bottom of pan bits continuously over pork well for another 30 seconds. Remove chops from pan. Spoon/pour glaze from pan over chops.
  • Let rest a few minutes before serving. (Spoon any glaze left from dish you placed it on over chops when serving.)
  • Notes

    *If your chops are thinner, reduce cooking time by 1-2 minutes.
    **Times are based on my cast iron skillet and how my stovetop heats. Always check pork to make sure it is done inside. Pork is done when just barely pink in very center and juices run clear.


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