This fall has just been so beautiful! We’ve had a nice warm spell with the days being in the upper 70’s and even topped 80º+ one day, yet the nights have been comforter grabbing chilly and down in the forties!
I remember when I was a little girl, my grandma saying that in order for the leaves to turn brilliant colors, you had to have warm sunny days and chilly nights. I think that she was right! 😉 Grandmas always know best! 🙂
The leaves are turning brilliant colors and just getting started! I don’t know when they are supposed to peak, but every day it just gets prettier and prettier!
Though I’m sad, sadder than usual for some strange unknown reason, to see summer go, these beautiful days have have really helped to ease me into the changing of the seasons greatly! I’m just not ready for this chilly weather coming!
With the mornings so cold on the feet, I was really longing for a nice, steaming hot pot of soup.
Sinfully creamy.
And LOADED with meats and vegetables!
I had some wonderful apple-chicken sausages and a nice head of fresh broccoli in the freezer that were just begging to be put to good use, so who was I to ignore them?
Though I’m not usually very fond of using many processed foods, I actually like Velveeta’s Sharp Cheddar cheese. And hey, it melts extremely well without being greasy. Tons of wonderful things were going to be going into this pot, so a little bit of naughtiness didn’t seem like such a life ending thing. 😉
I didn’t bat a single eyelash.
I wanted to make a HUGE pot, because even though it’s just the hubs and I, we can really go through a large stock pot of soup in nothing flat! And this being the first pot of the year, I knew I had to just go for it and make a big one!
So I did a triple meat pot! Yep. In addition to the sausages, boneless skinless chicken breasts made the cut along with some diced Canadian bacon!
Oh yes. This was going to be GOOD. 😉
My hubby requested potatoes, of which I had some nice red ones in the pantry to add, and I wanted some onion, mushrooms and celery in there for extra flavor! I would’ve added some carrots, too, but I didn’t happen to have any that day.
So you can just add whatever veggies you like such as some green beans, lima beans, peas or even some turnips in addition to, or in place of, any that you don’t particularly care for.
The meats are up to you, too. Always make things according to what you and your household enjoys! Add regular bacon, spicy ground sausage and turkey if you prefer!
I honestly like the sharp cheddar version of Velveeta, but if you absolutely refuse and hate it, of course you can add your own favorite cheddar cheese. I love cheddar, too, but I really enjoy a high grade of it, and the high grades are the ones that always seem to separate when heated.
Let’s be real.
This is soup.
I’m not grating my expensive cheddar into a pot when Velveeta works just fine. 😉
If you’d like to give it a little kick, add some pepperjack or a little bit of asiago for an extra punch of flavor! Soups are so much fun to play around with, and there’s always plenty of room to fix them if you mess them up a little.
Just be careful to not go overboard on something you’re not completely sure of and you’ll be just fine.
Also plan on spending awhile in the kitchen for this one.
This isn’t a “quickie 5 ingredient 15 minutes to the table rush job” that tastes like you just don’t really care or hate to cook.
Great soups, to me anyways, take time.
Enjoy what you’re doing, wear your comfy clothes, put on some fun music,
pour yourself a glass of wine and just enjoy.
Believe me, the love you put into this will show. 😉
Creamy Cheddar Chicken Broccoli Soup with Mushrooms, Apple Sausage and Canadian Bacon
Monday 16th of November 2015
Nice, Thank.
Tuesday 17th of November 2015
You're welcome! :)