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Best Restaurant-Style Steak Marinade

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steak marinade


I’m not sure when my love of grilling first started, but I sure loved watching my Dad, Uncles and Grandparents grill when I was a little girl!

Though I don’t mind grilling with charcoal and smelly fluids, I have really developed an addiction to grilling once my hubby bought us a gas grill!

Almost no mess at all, and just as easy as cooking on a stove and using an oven!

I don’t get girls who are afraid of grills! Seriously, if you can cook and bake indoors, you can cook just as easily outdoors! It’s almost the same thing, but a whole lot more fun!!

I’m a total stubborn whiny pants when it comes to restaurants. Frankly, in a nutshell, I hate them. Unless you pay them with the promise of your right arm and a second mortgage, they really aren’t worth it anymore. I can make it cheaper, and MUCH better at home.

I don’t have to put uncomfortable, looked-better-on-the-hanger clothes on, I can just pop right out the back kitchen door to the deck in my t-shirt, pj bottoms, barefooted, whenever I want and create a 5-star dinner faster than you can argue a reservation!

Unless it’s a family-style diner or hole-in-the-wall joint, I always feel so uncomfortable when dining out. One of the last times that I ate out, I went to spear a whole button mushroom with my fork, and the darn thing was so rubbery, that it slipped and shot about 8 feet across the aisle and hit a man right in the leg! (TRUE!)

My hubby and I tried to pretend it wasn’t me, but we couldn’t stop laughing!

Point being, the food is barely mediocre prepared by “Chef Bubba”, the prices are ridiculously high, and the service is horrific. Don’t even think about sending your over-cooked burnt steak back. Trust me. Just don’t.

Learn how to cook at home. Just do it. Don’t be afraid of a grill! They make them so nice now, that I actually get depressed during the bad part of winter when I just can’t use it for fear of frostbite.

Start with something easy, like plain ol’ hotdogs, to see if your grill has hotspots, and just to learn how to turn it on and off and heat it properly. Cooking on one even just once will have you confident enough to cook anything your heart desires!

I mean, just LOOK at that STEAK!! Honestly, I’ve NEVER had a better porterhouse steak in a restaurant! Ever. And it’s just that easy. I like to always “finish” my steaks with a knob of compound butter, too! Click here for a simple recipe for that as well! A little melted butter on top is an incredibly delicious embellishment that you don’t want to leave out! 😉

Almost done!!!! 😀


porterhouse finished


And if you’re a true steak-loving carnivore like me, you’ll LOVE this recipe that I’ve developed that works perfectly for rare and medium-rare steak. It has just enough sugars in it to get a GORGEOUS caramelization on the outside, without too much that it burns, and yet stays perfectly rare to medium-rare on the inside.

If you like your steaks more done, simply close the lid, creating an “oven”, to bake the inside until it’s the doneness that you personally prefer. *I cannot guarantee, as any real (certified) chef will tell you, the tenderness and juiciness of a well-done steak, though. If you enjoy shoe leather, then by gosh, make yourself happy! 😉

Seriously girlfriends, like I always say, “Anything boys can do girls can do better”! We CAN out-grill them, we should never be afraid of a grill, so just get out there and rock it! You can do this!! 😀 😉


steak marinade


You have all summer long to perfect your grilling, so why not start tonight? You’ll be surprised at how easy it truly is, how delicious, and economical, expensive restaraunt-style food is to prepare right at home in your own backyard, that you’ll thank me. So don’t wait, get your grills on girls!! 😀 There’s a grill diva hiding inside you, too!! 😀


Best Restaurant-Style Steak Marinade
Yield: 1 large serving

Best Restaurant-Style Steak Marinade


  • 1 (1 1/2" thick) prime porterhouse (or T-bone) steak

Steak Marinade:

  • 1 Tbl. worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp. regular soy sauce
  • 1 tsp. aged sweet balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp. good garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp. coarse ground black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp. dark brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. lemon juice
  • 1/8 tsp. Herbs de Provence
  • 1/8 tsp. dried thyme, crush between your fingers to release flavor
  • 1/8 tsp. onion powder
  • 1/8 tsp. white pepper


  • In small bowl, whisk marinade ingredients.
  • Place steak into large ziplic baggie. Pour half of marinade on one side, turn bag over and pour rest of marinade over other side. Close tightly pressing out excess air. Turn over several times to coat each side well and evenly.
  • Place into fridge and marinate several hours to overnight.
  • Heat grill to high heat. Oil grates with vegetable oil-soaked wad of paper towel using tongs.
  • Place steak onto hot grill. Leave lid open. Grill for 4 minutes. Rotate steak for crossed grill marks, and continue to grill for 4 more minutes.
  • Turn steak and repeat.
  • Top with a knob of room temperature compound butter if desired and let melt for 1 minute.
  • Remove steak to a platter or cutting board to rest for a few minutes before serving.



    Friday 12th of June 2015

    You had me at "Herbs de Provence", yup, yup!! Killer recipe and sharing my sweet friend!


    Saturday 27th of June 2015

    Aww, thanks, Didi!! :D Hope you're having a great summer! :D

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