A NEAR DISASTER!!! Yep. I rarely make baking mistakes. I swear, I’m so very careful. But I was rollin’ along and made the dough, worked it nicely and easily into breadsticks, popped them into the oven, turned around and – – uh, oh.
I had grabbed the WRONG BOWL of melted butter.
My mind froze and flashed like lightning, and came to the realization, that I had added the basting butter, not the butter for the batter.
Like 8 TABLESPOONS of butter into the dough instead of – – – 2!!!
I wanted to stick sharp pencils in my ears.
But I like my pencils. And my ears. So I decided to just let them bake as what else could I do at that point, and just see what would happen.
Here was my wonderful start!!! I got such a nice foam on the yeast! I was so happy!!
The last of the dough! I easily could’ve gotten three more out of it, but they fit perfectly on my half-sheet, and I knew that these would be the ones my hubby would go for first! 😉 He’s a wee bit greedy. He loves my cooking, bless his heart.
The first sheet after baking!
It worked!!!!!! It actually didn’t puddle into a pile of gooey alien-ish sloop! It worked!!!!
I didn’t know how they would taste, but they sure looked pretty and smelled AWESOME, and I really loved the deeper, richer color vs. the “anemic” colored ones that you usually get. 😉
The second batch done in my upper oven always produces a less-browned outside, but there’s still a very nice golden color to them and not pale at all!
My hubby slowly and cautiously entered the kitchen, knowing what had happened, and begged for one! Yay!!! I have a guinea pig to test them on! 😉
The verdict came in with an overwhelming thumbs UP! He quickly grabbed another before I could stop him, and then snuck a third!!!! I’d say that they were a surprising success!! 😉
They were pillowy-soft, with a wonderful, delicate outside crust.
And that salty garlic butter….need I say more? 😀
Even I approved of them, which surprised me, because I more prefer denser, harder, chewier breadsticks myself that are almost bagel-like.
But these truly were wonderful! So no matter how you enjoy them, I’ve added notes to the recipe to achieve just that.
Pillowy soft, medium density, or dense and chewy! Something for everyone! 😉 😀
So a near disaster was averted – – this time. And my “mistake”, according to my hubby, made for the best breadsticks he had ever had! He LOVED them!! I did, too, but I still probably would’ve preferred them to be a bit more dense. We all like things how we like them! 😉 So I’m really glad this all happened, and now know how to implement this recipe into other useful breads such as “butter buns” (hamburger buns like Culver’s!), soft hotdog buns, mini slider rolls, etc.! I guess some mistakes are just meant to happen! 😉
So I hope that you find this recipe, along with the suggested adjustments, helpful for whatever you are needing and wanting to bake , too!
We VERY much enjoyed ours with a nice pot of soup that I’ll be sharing with you tomorrow! So, until then, I’ll see you all later! ~Kelly
*For pillowy soft breadsticks use the amount of butter as written for the dough. (1 stick). For a medium-density breadstick, use 4-5 Tablespoons butter. For dense, chewy breadsticks, use only 2 Tbl. butter and all water instead of part warm milk.
Soft Buttery Garlic Breadsticks
For Butter Topping:
Monday 16th of February 2015
Who needs "olive garden"? Surely not us with these amazing bread sticks my friend! ♥
Tuesday 17th of February 2015
Thank you, Didi!!! I was so afraid that I had ruined them, but they were a huge hit! I couldn't keep my hubby out of them!!! :D