Do potatoes bore the heck put of you, too, sometimes? I mean, there’s nothing wrong with simple baked potatoes and potato wedges, but sometimes I just want to make these funny looking, plain jane veggies look pretty, you know? 😀
So that’s exactly what possessed me to do this! Silly as it may seem, it was easy, and, as my hubby put it, “Quite tasty!” 😉
I have one apple slicer that I love, and one that I hate. The one that I’ve always hated finally has a purpose in taking up space in my drawer. It doesn’t cut all the way down and I hate using it for apples, pears, or anything else for that matter, when my old one happens to be in my dishwasher.
But when I brain-stormed this idea, I realized why I have never thrown it away. Call it fate I guess!! NOT cutting all the way down through was exactly what I wanted for once! And it worked beautifully! 😉 (*Although I wish they made a 16-slice one, and the center wasn’t just a circle and it had slots to cut, too.)
I seasoned them simply, just using a store-bought jar of salad dressing that was saying “use it or lose it” time. Then just lightly coating them with a mixture of seasoned breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese and garlic salt! Done. 😉
(Don’t ask what happened to the 6th one. It was a tragic accident. So sad.)
Don’t they look nice? 😀 Simple, gets the job done, but elegantly pretty. 😉
All baked up and looking pretty darned cool! 😀 Flavorful and so tender that the petals just fall away! 😉
These are a simple way to add a little flair to a boring meal or quite a presentation alongside a nice juicy steak! Or use them as a base for a chunky filling such as cheddar-broccoli, a ladle of chili, or the last scoop of Sloppy Joes for lunch! The petals pull off super easy for dunking, and would also make for a nice little appetizer for a small party or shower, too! And since they’re so much fun to eat, the kiddos will enjoy it, too!
I hope you enjoy these as much as we did! They were easy and fun to make, and go with just about anything! Take care all, and see ya tomorrow! 😀 ~Kelly
Blooming Baked Potato Blossoms
Irene Campbell
Tuesday 19th of September 2023
I was wondering what becomes of the center part of the potato, could use them too dipped and dusted and baked too. No waste.
Sunday 7th of August 2016
What a great idea. I'll never go to all the trouble again for the "twice baked" monsters I make at Thanksgiving, tho my future son-in-law adores them. Well, okay, I'll still make ONE for him. These have all the goodness right there inside of them - and I love the "petals" you can peel away.
Monday 8th of August 2016
Thanks, Virginia!! :D Just remember not to cut them too close to the bottom so that they don't fall apart. And crowd them together in the pan to help hold them all upright. Also make sure you bake them until they're tender. *Some petals may fall away when serving, but we didn't care because they tasted so good!! :D
Lorinda McKinnon - the Rowdy Baker
Monday 22nd of September 2014
What a wonderful idea! I hate my apple cutter, and never use it. Well...never USED it. I might now!
Monday 22nd of September 2014
Right?!! My old ancient one works great. My newer one just plain sucks. But not anymore! I bet it might even work for onions and other veggies. It's very lucky. It narrowly escaped an early burial in the backyard. ;)