Mmmmmmm! Is there anything more decadent, creamy, dreamy and delicious than a homemade dark chocolate cream pie? Nope. According to my hubby, My Best Old Fashioned Dark Chocolate Cream Pie is what chocolate dreams are made of!
Though I used special dark chocolate cocoa powder for this, it’s still very much a sweet chocolate pie, only with a more intense chocolate flavor! The best of both worlds!
This pie was SO GOOD, that I’m not going to make you wait a second longer!
So let’s get started!
First things first. I did cheat a little on this. I used a refrigerated pie crust sheet, but it actually worked out extremely well! I finished the edges doing a simple “saw blade edge” by making cuts all the way around the rim, and then gave them each a little twist!
I pierced the sides and bottom with a fork to keep it from puffing up and becoming misshapen, and baked it until golden brown!
Next comes the most important part of the pie! That incredibly creamy chocolate filling!! I used Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa powder, and though it’s a more intensely flavored cocoa, don’t be fooled into thinking that it’s going to be bitter.
No worries. It isn’t. It’s pleasantly sweet, actually!
It only takes a couple of ingredients, and the way I do it, you don’t have to worry about tempering the egg yolks and accidentally scrambling them, which completely ruins homemade cream pies.
NOPE. No scrambled eggs in MY cream pies!! The yolks are added at the begining, and everything cooks together perfectly every single time!
Just look at how gorgeous that filling is!!!
The next part is up to you.
If it were up to me, I would’ve done a meringue top, but I haven’t been able to convince my hubby yet, that meringue is not a flavorless, evil thing.
So I caved and just went with the ol’ Cool Whip stand-by. Since it was just going to be the two of us eating this whole pie, it actually worked out really well. It holds its shape, and did the job that was needed. (But I would still prefer meringue!!)
After topping the pie, I finished the top by simply finely grating some dark chocolate over the top, placed a cherry in the center, and called it done!
The filling is what makes this pie anyways. The crust and top are just to keep you from eating the whole batch of pie filling right out of the pan!
SO creamy. SO smooth. SO glossy!!!!
I tried to get a decent shot just so you could see how amazing this pie really is!
Silky smooth, and absolutely heavenly!!
It also slices like a dream, thankfully!
And if the pie isn’t enough of a gift in itself, there’s a bonus! Yes, there’s MORE!! You should have enough filling for one parfait glass of filling to indulge in all by itself! (I was thankful that I made enough to have a little extra. It kept my hubby happy while the pie had plenty of time to properly chill!!)
He’s like a large child when it comes to anything I make! And I wouldn’t want it any other way!
And when you taste this pie, it will surely bring you back to your childhood, when pies were made with love and care, and pie fillings weren’t made from a box that says “instant”.
This is just as easy to make, but with real flavor from (mostly!) wholesome ingredients! (*Minus my two cheats!) It’s quick and easy, and perfect to serve the family, for Halloween parties (due to it’s very dark and decadent color), as well as company! Hope you enjoy as much as we did!
Old Fashioned Chocolate Cream Pie
Bill Fodor
Thursday 2nd of November 2017
Made the pie last night, for a surprise for my Chocolate-loving 9 yr. old grandson, who'll have some after school today. Came out so perfect looking, I hate to cut it up & serve it ! I also did end up with a small dish of the chocolate, that was my dessert, after last nites dinner. Thanks a million, for that recipe, along with alot of your other great BBQ recipes ! keep 'em coming............ Love Ya.... Bill F.
Wednesday 1st of November 2017
I've never had a chocolate cream pie before(?!), but goodness, this looks amazing! *-*